Scouting, Schools, and Educators
The Boy Scouts of America has a long history of aligning with schools and educators through its character-based programs that help prepare today’s youth to be tomorrow’s leaders. Through hands-on activities and learning experiences, Scouting helps guide young people on the trail to a lifelong appreciation for self-improvement, community involvement, and the outdoors. Sharing the same goals makes Scouting, schools, and educators the ideal team.
Scouting Gets Scientific
Scouting’s advancement programs allow Scouts to explore science in many ways. Scouting takes young people outdoors and gives them hands-on time with science. Chemistry, astronomy, map and compass, ecology, environmental science, geology, aviation, and insect study are only a few topics of exploration.
Scouting Goes Viral With Technology
Scouting activities expose youth to technology galore. From archery, computers, forestry, and robotics to architecture, composite materials, and photography, Scouts have a clear advantage with exposure to stimulating experiences. Our programs give them opportunities to interact with adult mentors and subject experts like zookeepers and rocket scientists, to participate in hands-on activities like building robots and model rockets, and to take day trips to places like quarries and observatories.
Scouting Builds Excitement Through Engineering
Scouting has always used the outdoors as its learning environment. Construction of bridges, towers, and simple camp gadgets have helped thousands of youth begin to understand engineering. Drafting, electronics, engineering, and welding are all part of what Scouting can do to help young people grow, develop lifelong interests, and pursue meaningful careers.
Scouting and Mathematics = Fun
Math skills—algebra, geometry, statistics, and basic mathematics—are a part of nearly everything we do. Scouting brings math to life with activities like geocaching, chess, canoeing, and aviation. By participating in fun, stimulating activities, young people learn how math applies to everyday living and the world around them.
Scouting and Literacy Go Hand in Hand
Scouting understands that reading gives young people the opportunity to strengthen their literacy and comprehension skills. From the Cub Scout handbooks to the Scouts BSA Handbook, Venturing manuals, and Scout Life magazine, our youth publications are created and produced specifically with youth members in mind. They are contemporary, engaging, and reflective.
Scouting Develops Character
Scouting helps young people grow and develop leadership skills. For example, Cub Scouts learn how to follow instructions and directions with projects they do with their den and pack. Scouts BSA members learn how to apply Scouting’s Leading EDGE—Explain, Demonstrate, Guide, Enable—as they mentor younger Scouts and teach them new skills. They also take on leadership roles within their patrol and troop. Venturers have similar opportunities in their crews and through their Venturing officers’ association, and debate ethical standards through ethics forums.
Scouting Grows Model Citizens
Citizenship has always been a major part of Scouting. The tenets of the Scout Oath and the Scout Law have guided Scouts to enrich themselves, to think of others, and to make the world a better place. In so doing, young people learn more about their community, nation, and the world.
Scouting Promotes Fitness
Being “physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight” leads to a well-balanced individual, which is why Scouting emphasizes overall fitness. Through Scouting’s outdoor activities, mentoring with adults, and learning how to be a good leader, young people learn how to be better prepared for growing up, taking on challenges, and being responsible—all while having loads of fun.