activities director: Responsible for the planning and development of council and district activities.
area director or assistant regional director/operations: Professional position that serves as professional director of operations in specified area within the region. Responsible for membership/relationships and finance as well as quality control of the Scouting program in area-serving designated councils. This is a National Council position.
assistant director of field service: Assists the director of field service with a portion of field service management.
assistant regional director/support: Professional position responsible for working with regional director to marshal resources of the region in support of areas and councils. Responsible for membership/relationships, finance, and program functions of the region. Gives leadership to associate regional directors. This is a National Council position.
assistant Scout executive: The number two position in some councils. Has responsibilities related to membership, finance, and program.
associate regional director: Professional position that supports the regional director and assistant regional director in carrying out one or more of the region’s specialized functions: membership/ relationships, program, finance, or endowment. This is a National Council position.
borough Scout executive: Executive officer of a subcouncil in the city of New York responsible for the administration, financing, marketing, motivation, recruiting, and staffing needed for successful operation.
business manager: Preferred title for various administrative functions related to the financial management of the council.
camping director: Responsible for the development of the year-round camping program in the council. Supervises the long-term camping program and may serve as the resident camp director.
Chief Scout Executive: The top-ranking professional Scouter of Scouting America. This is the only professional title routinely capitalized.
council executive: See “Scout executive.”
development director: See “endowment director.”
director of camping service: A professional Scouter who supervises two or more camping directors and has additional council responsibilities.
director of field service: The number two position in councils. Responsible for supervision of two or more field directors.
director of finance service: A professional Scouter who supervises two or more finance/endowment directors and has additional council responsibilities.
director of support services: A professional Scouter who supervises two or more middle management commissioned professionals. May be personally responsible for carrying out several support functions.
district director: Provides direct service to one or more districts and supervises one or more professional in other districts.
district executive: A professional Scouter who works under the direction of the Scout executive and is responsible for providing direct service to one or more districts. This is an entry-level position.
district executive-multiple-person, district executive (multiple person), district executive, multiple/person: A professional Scouter who supervises a district that has one or more district executives. The term is obsolete.
division director: The top professional/professional-technical position in a division of the National Council.
endowment director: A professional Scouter responsible for council endowment development and program as well as special financing programs.
field director: A professional Scouter who is responsible for the supervision of professionals in two or more districts. Serves as the interim district executive when a vacancy occurs.
finance director: A professional Scouter responsible for the development of the finance program of the council. Prepares and conducts the annual Friends of Scouting campaign and other fund-raising efforts. Advises on budget preparation and United Way presentations.
inner-city services executive: A professional Scouter who is responsible for the development and utilization of available councilwide resources and services to support the expansion of Scouting in the inner city, an area generally in the heart of the city that is characterized by high rates of poverty, social isolation, overcrowded conditions, and other social problems. Note: Query this and all uses of “inner city.”
loaned executive: A full-time or part-time person whose salary, including benefits, is paid directly by the “loaning” organization but who is temporarily assigned, by the primary employer, to perform a specific assignment (other than an approved professional position) for Scouting America.
m/p: See “multiple person.”
multiple person: This term became obsolete in 1996. A title ending in m/p (multiple person) indicates supervision and direction of the work of others (an SDEm/p directs the work of several SDEs).
professional Scouter: A registered, salaried, full-time employee who is commissioned to serve in an approved professional position in a local council or on the national staff by having successfully completed formal training (Professional Development Level 1, National Executive Institute, or National Training School) or who has been designated by the Chief Scout Executive as a member of the national management executive staff.
program director: In smaller councils, the person responsible for several support functions, such as camping, activities, and special projects.
public relations director: Responsible for the development and implementation of the council public relations program.
regional director: The top professional/professional-technical position in a region. This is a National Council position.
regional human resources director: Professional position responsible for providing to the region the full range of personnel services, including recruiting and placement of professional and paraprofessional employees, compensation and benefits, and employee relations. This is a National Council position.
Scout executive: The chief executive officer of the council responsible for the administration, financing, marketing, motivation, recruiting, and staffing required for successful council operations. Capitalize only when the title precedes the name. Examples: “Scout Executive John Smiley,” “John Smiley is the Scout executive.”
senior district executive: Provides direct service to one or more districts. Carries other councilwide responsibilities.
training director: A professional Scouter who is responsible for the planning and development of the councilwide training programs.