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National Events & Initiatives
By participating in our national events you have the opportunity to help fuel Scouting’s adventure and engage with youth who may become your future workforce or customer base. Sponsors can showcase branded installations, product demonstrations, sampling zones, and interactive experiences. Encourage attendees to visit these zones through incentives like contests, giveaways, or exclusive experiences.
Our national events offer the opportunity to engage with Scouting America’s top leadership. Get your products and services in front of both national and council-level decision makers from across the country and let them meet the faces behind our partner brands.
7/22/26 – 7/31-26
The National Jamboree, Scouting America’s flagship national event, is an epic 10-day event that takes place once every four years at the world-renowned Summit Bechtel Reserve. The Jamboree is intentionally designed to bring 15,000+ youth together to focus on leadership, citizenship, personal fitness, and adventure while fostering thought-provoking conversations that will move our society forward. For over a decade, this 14,000-acre property has hosted Jamborees, youth camps, major performances, athletic competitions, and motor sports events. Jamboree programs include leadership, high and low adventure, team sports, college/trades/career finding, diversity and inclusion spaces, robust STEAM activities, technology and innovation, merit badge activities, product sampling and sales, speaking engagements, physical and mental wellness strategies, and (of course) patch trading. Sponsorship of the Jamboree provides your organization a unique platform to showcase products and services to ~20,000 onsite guests and to a potential expanded audience of more than two million other members and stakeholders.
Experiences and Features at the Summit Bechtel Reserve include:
o Four main base camps, capable of housing up to 8,000 people each
o 80,000-person outdoor grass amphitheater
o 48 canopy tours and 15 zip lines combining for more than 5½ miles through the scenic Appalachian Mountains
o The nation’s third largest privately owned shooting sports range for pistol, shotguns, rifles, and archery
o 125 rock climbing stations and 100 bouldering stations built around the world’s largest outdoor climbing facility
o A combined total skateable surface of 103,993 feet creating the second largest outdoor skate park in the United States
o More than 70 miles of ATV and mountain trails
o Four lakes on property offering flatwater sports and inflatable climbing activities
o Purpose-built exhibitor space around the center of the activity
5/12/25 – 5/15/25
Every year, Scouting America hosts top local and national corporate leadership at the five-day National Annual Meeting, held at various luxury resorts across the country. This is a must-attend event where thousands of Scouting professionals and volunteers solidify strategic direction, learn from one another and from brands, like yours, that support the Scouting movement. Harness the opportunity to potentially connect with advertising, fundraising, and licensing leads, national supply buyers, and decision makers from 248 councils across the United States who manage over 500+ camps and properties.
2/07/25 – 2/09/25
9/17/25 – 9/21/25
The National Outdoor Conference is Scouting’s five-day biennial conference for hundreds of volunteers and professionals charged with delivering outdoor programs across the Scouting movement! Join fellow Scouters and outdoor enthusiasts from across the country to learn new methods, share ideas, and check out the latest in outdoor gear and programs. Rotating between Philmont Scout Ranch and the Summit Bechtel Reserve, the National Outdoor Conference features over 70 different sessions, keynote events led by distinguished industry experts, peer-to-peer informal discussion groups, and many other learning opportunities. Plus, participants will have the opportunity to enjoy the activities our high-adventure bases offer. Join us to learn how to get your products/services integrated into national programs and retail opportunities.
The National Aquatics Conference is Scouting’s five-day biennial conference for hundreds of volunteers and professionals charged with delivering aquatics programs across the Scouting movement! Scouting America’s National Aquatics Conference features elective sessions, outstanding keynote speakers, and fellowship with Scouting’s national aquatics committee and Scouters from across the country. Participating brand partners have the opportunity to showcase flatwater, whitewater, and underwater products and services to Scouting America’s top leadership in aquatic sports for youth programs and onsite and online retail stores.
TBD July 2027
The Order of the Arrow (OA) is Scouting’s national honor society. The OA develops youth leaders and promotes camping, responsible outdoor adventure, and cheerful service.
The National Order of the Arrow Conference is a week-long gathering of thousands of Scouts from around the country, held at a major university campus every two to three years. Events include training for programs and leadership; competitions in athletics, ceremonies, and cooking; diversity and inclusion spaces; and exhibits on OA history, outdoor activities, and camping. There are also opportunities to talk with national leaders, perform service work, and trade patches.