Scouting America Handbook, 14th Edition – Newly updated, this 14th edition of the Scouting America Handbook is still the go-to book for every Scout. There are two versions: the Scouting America Handbook for Girls and the Scouting America Handbook for Boys.
Patrol Leader Handbook: Completely revised for 2019, this handbook for new patrol leaders provides the groundwork for leading troop and patrol activities and being an effective leader at troop meetings and on the trail.
Senior Patrol Leader Handbook: Completely revised for 2019, the Senior Patrol Leaders Handbook is an important resource for troop leaders, providing a valuable framework for the presentation of an effective Scouting program.
Scouting Safely – Scouting America has nearly a century of experience conducting high-adventure outdoor activities in a manner that is safe for all participants. A wealth of resources and information are provided to enable adult leaders and youth to help us maintain our impeccable safety record.
Outdoor Ethics Guide Handbook – The purpose of this handbook is to guide units in developing a culture that effectively demonstrates responsible outdoor choices that reduce the impact of Scouting activities. The handbook identifies the responsibilities of the outdoor ethics guide, provides ideas on how to carry out this role, and lists resources. It also provides methods for leaders to support Scouts selected for this position and a way to evaluate success.
Manual for Chaplain Aides and Chaplains – This manual will help you discover the duties, responsibilities, and opportunities of chaplain service in Scout troops.
Merit Badge Pamphlets – Scouting America offers over 130 merit badges for Scouts to earn as they learn about the subjects they cover. Each merit badge has its own pamphlet that Scouts should consult while working on the merit badge.
Program Features for Troops and Crews – These 3 volumes contain 48 themed program features. Each volume has 16 program features with a mix of topics: outdoor, sports, health and safety, citizenship and personal development, STEM, and arts and hobbies. Leaders and youth members can use these to plan programs, help facilitate advancement and personal growth, and keep youth members engaged. Each feature comes with its own set of meeting plans and activities.
Guide to Awards and Insignia – The Scouting America Guide to Awards and Insignia presents detailed information to enable our members to wear the correct complete uniform on all suitable occasions.
Scouting America Requirements – Scouting provides a series of surmountable obstacles and steps in overcoming them through the advancement method. The steps in the advancement system help Scouts to grow in self-reliance and in their ability to help others.
Scout Life magazine – Scouts read Scout Life magazine. Look for the regular score of fiction, comics, jokes, Scouts in Action, Gifts and Gimmicks, and more in the latest issue of Scout Life!
Scouting America Fieldbook – Always a best-seller, each generation of the Scouting America Fieldbook has become the gold standard in outdoor survival know-how for its time… and this new edition is no exception.
Camp Cookbooks – A selection of outdoor cookbooks providing a host of tired and true camp cooking recipes.
ECSI Wilderness First Aid Field Guide – This handy, pocket-sized book meets the Wilderness First Aid curriculum of Scouting America. Produced by the Emergency Care and Safety Institute (ECSI), this updated second edition is a user-friendly guide based upon the latest first aid and CPR guidelines.