These helpful resources and reference materials are available to help you support your troop.
Troop Leader Guidebook, Volume 1 – This resource gives new and relatively inexperienced troop leaders an introduction to the Scouting America program. However, leaders of all experience levels will find this resource helpful.
Troop Leader Guidebook, Volume 2 – The second volume of the two-volume Troop Leader Guidebook provides additional information on for successfully leading a troop. Both volumes are for use by new and experienced Scout leaders alike.
Troop Committee Guidebook – This manual provides guidelines for successful troop operations. Topics include troop organization, recruiting adult leaders, troop finances, running committee meetings and more.
Guide to Advancement – The authoritative source on advancement policies and procedures and best practices for Cub Scouting, Scouting America, Venturing and Sea Scouting.
Program Features for Troops and Crews – These 3 volumes contain 48 themed program features. Each volume has 16 program features with a mix of topics: outdoor, sports, health and safety, citizenship and personal development, STEM, and arts and hobbies. Leaders and youth members can use these to plan programs, help facilitate advancement and personal growth, and keep youth members engaged. Each feature comes with its own set of meeting plans and activities..
Guide to Awards and Insignia – The Guide to Awards and Insignia presents detailed information to enable our members to wear the correct complete uniform on all suitable occasions.
Guide to Safe Scouting – Scouting America has nearly a century of experience conducting high-adventure outdoor activities in a manner that is safe for all participants. A wealth of resources and information are provided to enable adult leaders and youth to help us maintain our impeccable safety record.
Scouts Scouting America Requirements – Scouting provides a series of surmountable obstacles and steps in overcoming them through the advancement method. The steps in the advancement system help Scouts to grow in self-reliance and in their ability to help others.
Lone Scout Friend and Counselor Guidebook – This totally revamped guidebook is the most comprehensive resource available for anyone interested in or involved with the Lone Scout programs.
Conservation Handbook – This book highlights Scouting America’s century-long involvement with conservation and the powerful role that caring for the environment can have for today’s Scouts and the land itself. This publication will help Scout leaders establish positive relationships with land managers and includes projects tailored to the needs of Scouts.)
Scouting magazine – Scouting is the national family magazine for the adult leaders and committee members of Scouting America.
The Language of Scouting – The Language of Scouting provides information about the terms and style associated specifically with Scouting and grammar. Refer to this manual when preparing newsletters and other items to ensure the consistent and correct use of Scouting terms.
Chartered Organization Representative Guidebook – Tasks, responsibilities, and roles of the COR.