Title |
Month/Year |
A 30-Second Conversation |
A Peek Ahead: Topics Planned for January-February |
A Peek Ahead: Topics Planned for November-December |
A Peek Ahead: Topics Planned for September-October |
A Peek Ahead: Topics Planned for July—August |
A Peek Ahead: Topics Planned for May-June |
A Peek Ahead: Topics Planned for March-April |
A Peek Ahead: Topic Planned for January-February |
A Peek Ahead: Topics Planned for November-December |
A Peek Ahead: September-October Highlights |
A Peek Ahead: July-August Highlights |
A Peek Ahead. What is Planned for March-April 2018 |
A Peek Ahead. What is Planned for January-February 2018 |
A Peek Ahead: What is Planned for November/December |
A Peek Ahead: What is Planned for May/June |
A Peek Ahead: What is Planned for March-April 2017 |
A Peek Ahead: What Is Planned for January-February |
A Peek Ahead: Topics for November-December |
A Peek Ahead: What is Planned for September-October |
A Peek Ahead: What is Planned for July-Aug |
A Peek Ahead: What is Planned for May-June |
A Peek Ahead: What is Planned for March/April |
A Peek Ahead: What is Planned for January-February |
A Peek Ahead: What Is Planned for November-December |
A Peek Ahead: What’s Coming in April |
A Peek Ahead: What Is Planned for May-June |
A Peek Ahead: What’s Planned for June/July |
A Peek Ahead: Topics Planned for August-September |
Access Advancement Materials May/June 2015 |
Access advancement materials through here |
Access to Advancement Materials |
Access Advancement Materials Here |
Active Participation and Applying the “Third Test” |
Additional Insights from the Advancement in Camp Survey |
Addressing Positions of Responsibility |
Adopt-a-School |
Advancement Academy Proves Texas-Size Success in Houston |
Advancement and a Week in the Florida Keys— Jan. 16–21, 2012 |
Advancement and a Week in the Florida Keys – Jan. 16-21, 2012 |
Advancement Committee Mechanics: Advancement Committee Goals, Part 2; Courts of Honor: Opportunities for Committee Involvement |
Advancement Committee Mechanics: |
Advancement in Action |
Advancement in Camp |
Advancement and Camp-ing Committees in Partnership |
Advancement Committee Mechanics: Advancement Statistics: Not Just Numbers |
Advancement Committee Mechanics: Congratulations to Advancement’s Top 10% Councils for 2013; Pack Advancement Coordinator Highlights |
Advancement Committee Mechanics: Growing the District Advancement Committee; |
Advancement Committee Mechanics: Setting Goals and Making Plans—Time Well Spent (Part 1) |
Advancement Committee Mechanics: Venturing Specific Training: Advisors and Committee Members |
Advancement Committee Position Descriptions |
Advancement Committee Position Descriptions (Camping Committee and Outdoor Program Liaison and Records Keeper) |
Advancement Committee Position Descriptions (Eagle Scout Issues Coordinator and Special Needs Scouting Specialist) |
Advancement Committee Position Descriptions; Eagle Scout Rank Credentials Now Produced at National Distribution Center |
Advancement Education |
Advancement Educational Opportunities |
Advancement Educational Presentations Coming Soon |
Advancement Education Tools You Can Use Today |
Advancement Excitement at National Scout Jamboree: Journalism Opportunity awaits Jamboree Scout—Could They be from Your District or Council? |
Advancement Excitement at National Scout Jamboree: Merit Badge Midway offerings for National Jamboree participants |
Advancement for the Lone Scout |
Advancement Issues: Appeals |
Advancement Issues and Solutions Conference |
Advancement Issues and Solutions Conference Encore |
Advancement Literature and Resources |
Advancement Team Now on Twitter |
Advancement Team Now on Twitter |
Advancement Tracks for Sea Scouts |
Advancement Training at the Florida Keys |
Advancement Training at Philmont |
Advancement Videocast Library Now Available Online |
After the Blue and Gold—Continuing the Journey |
After the Scout Is Tested and Recognized (Topic |
Announcing a Change in Service Award Processing |
Announcing the Guide to Advancement 2013 |
Arrow of Light, Last Stop Before Boy Scouting |
Attention Council Eagle Processors: Credentials Now Produced in Charlotte |
Avoiding Delays in Requests for Extension of Time to Earn Eagle Scout Rank |
Avoiding Issues for Eagle Scout Candidates |
Awards: New Whitewater Rafting Award |
Awards (Sea Scouts): Sea Scout Elective “Strands”: A Primer |
Awards (Sea Scouts): Quartermaster Rank Materials Updated |
Awards (Sea Scouts): New Sea Scout Manual Signals Program Changes |
Awards and Insignia: 2019 Guide to Awards and Insignia |
Awards Update: Changes in Sea Scout Eligibility for Venturing Awards and More |
Awards and Recognitions: Cub Scouts Shooting Sports Awards—Take Aim at New Fun |
Awards and Recognitions: Medal of Merit and Na-tional Certificate of Merit to Be Processed by Local Councils |
Awards and Recognition: Wearing Eagle Palms |
Awards and Recognitions: BSA Aquatics Awards |
Title |
Month/Year |
Beekeeping “Buzz” |
Blue Card Is Nationally Recognized Merit Badge Record |
Bobcat and Bear Updates |
Boy Scout Angle: The Webelos-to-Scout Transition: Avoiding “Culture Shock” for Scouts AND Parents |
Boy Scout Angle: Boy Scout Requirements: 2016 Transition Period Ends January 1 |
Boy Scout Angle: January 1, 2017 All Scouts Must Use New Requirements |
Bronze Award – Halfway to Expert |
Bronze Award Substitutions |
Building an Advancement Committee: A Practical Guide |
Title |
Month/Year |
Camp-Earned Merit Badges |
Centennial Historic Merit Badges Are Now History |
Ceremonial Props Inspire |
Challenges With Advancement |
Chess Merit Badge Rollout, and Merit Badge Maintenance Task Force Takes Shape |
Chess Merit Badge Rollout, and Merit Badge Maintenance Task Force Takes Shape |
Cleveland Firm Creates Welding Merit Badge Video Library |
Committee Size Makes the Difference |
Committee Size Makes the Difference |
Committee Size Makes the Difference—Continued! |
Conference on Education for Advancement Administrators |
Conference on Education for Advancement Administrators at Sea Base |
Conference on Education for Advancement Administrators at Sea Base; Advancement Educational Presentations Updated |
Congratulations to Advancement’s “Top 10 Percent” Councils |
Continuing Boy Scout Advancement in a Venturing Crew |
Council and District Advancement Committee Organization |
Cooking Merit Badge Changes |
Cooking Merit Badge Required for Eagle |
Cooking Merit Badge Required for Eagle Beginning January 1, 2014 |
Correction to June/July 2012 Advancement News |
The Council Advancement Committee and Merit Badges at Camp |
Council Advancement Committee Positions (Awards and Recognition Chair and Religious Emblems Coordinator) |
Council and District Advancement Committees |
Council Summer Camp Merit Badge Program (Part 1) |
Council Summer Camp Merit Badge Program (Part 2) |
Councils Receive Welding Merit Badge Support |
Counselor’s Corner: Understanding the Process of Counseling |
Counselor’s Corner: Counselor’s Compass : Tips for Getting Up to Speed and a Checklist for Staying There |
Counselor’s Corner: Counselor’s Compass Now an Integral Part of Advancement News |
Cub Scout Angle: Leave Nothing But Your Thanks |
Cub Scout Angle: Advancement Changes: Putting the “Outing in Scouting” Still Begins in Cub Scouting |
Cub Scout Angle: Program Modifications Increase Advancement Flexibility |
Cub Scout Angle: Blue and Gold Celebration Planning: Fun and Food, but Don’t Forget the Advancement! |
Cub Scout Angle: Summertime Activities: Never too Early to Put the Outing in Scouting; Lions in Your Neighborhood? |
Cub Scout Angle: The Cub Scout Adventure Program at Day Camp; Cub Scout Shooting Sports Awards |
Cub Scout Angle: The Blue and Gold Banquet—A Checkpoint for Advancement |
Cub Scout Angle: STEM Adventures—To Advancement and Beyond! |
Cub Scout Angle: Baden-Powell’s Scouting Promise: “First Duty Is to God” |
Cub Scout Angle: A Cub Scout’s Adventure—It Still Begins with Bobcat |
Cub Scout Angle: New Cub Scout Adventure Program—Be Prepared for Success |
Cub Scout Advancement Likely Underreported |
Cub Scout Angle: A Great Year Ahead—Delicious Den and Pack Meetings |
Cub Scout Angle: Arrow of Light and Effective Webelos-to-Scout Transition |
Cub Scout Angle: Cub Scout Advancement: New Methods, New Materials; Transition to Cub Scout Adventure Program Materials |
Cub Scout Angle: Cub Scout Advancement: Cub Scout Adventure Program Transitional Information |
Cub Scout Angle: New Adventure Program Implementation: Webelos Leaders, Start Planning Now. |
Cub Scout Angle: Pack Camping—What Are You Waiting For?; More Cub Scout Award Opportunities |
Cub Scout Angle: Webelos Compass Points: Why So Many? Why So Few? |
Cub Scout Angle: Webelos to Boy Scouts: When Should the Transition End? |
Cub Scout Angle: Webelos Scouts to Boy Scouts: When Should the Transition Start? |
Cub Scouts BSA: Scoutbook: Den Leader Meeting Planning Resource |
Cub Scouts BSA: Cub Scout Advancement 2019: A Useful Primer/Refresher; Den Leader Scoutbook Aid For Planning Available |
Cub Scouts BSA: Preview Adventures and Den Meeting Plans; Yo-Yo Preview Adventure: Check It Out! |
Cub Scouts BSA: Foundations of Cub Scout Day Camp |
Cub Scouts BSA: The Learn Center: Home of Improved Online Training for Cub Scout Volunteers |
Cub Scouts BSA: Lions Are Up and Running |
Cub Scout Camping Opportunities |
Current Records Prevents Future Issues |
Cyber Chip and Youth Protection |
Title |
Month/Year |
Don’t Miss Out on Philmont Advancement Training |
Title |
Month/Year |
Eagle Issues: Eagle Scout Boards of Review: Not a Job Interview |
Eagle Issues: Eagle Scout Projects—Two-Deep Adult Supervision Requirement; Project Proposal Reviews – Face-to-Face Is Best |
Eagle Issues: Life to Eagle, It’s Not That Hard—Really! |
Eagle Issues: Life to Eagle Information Packets: Keep Them Simple |
Eagle Issues: Board of Review Errors Do Not Prevent Future Advancement |
Eagle Issues: Eagle Projects: Jumping the Gun – It Happens’ Revised Eagle Palm Requirements: Effective August 1 |
Eagle Issues: Revised Eagle Palm Requirements: Effective August 1 |
Eagle Issues: Merit Badges for Star and Life—Effects on Eagle Scout Rank |
Eagle Issues: Written Statements of Religious Belief Cannot Be Required |
Eagle Issues: Eagle Scout Board of Review Celebrates a Scout’s Journey; Positions of Responsibility |
Eagle Issues: Requests from a Unit or Council Regarding Past Eagle Scouts |
Eagle Issues: Extension Requests and the Importance of Updating Advancement Records |
Eagle Issues: Record Keeping Along the Trail to Eagle Scout—Be Prepared |
Eagle Issues: Eagle Scout Rank Applications—Local Forms NOT Authorized |
Eagle Issues: Processing Rank Appeals—Fair, Balanced, and By the Book; Processing Time Extension Requests—Fair, Balanced, and By the Clock |
Eagle Issues: Avoiding Appeals and Extensions |
Eagle Issues: Avoiding Appeals and Extensions |
The Eagle Scout Challenge |
Eagle Issues: Boards of Review: Negative Reference Responses |
Eagle Issues: Clarifying Use of the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook, Project Fundraising Leadership: To Count or Not To Count, That Is the Question, The Intent Behind Signatures, and What They Signify |
Eagle Issues: Countdown to Eagle |
Eagle Issues: Eagle Scout Project Fundraising: The Elephant in the Room |
Eagle Issues: Revised Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook Posted |
Eagle Issues: Time Aspects in Completing the Eagle Scout Rank Application |
Eagle Issues: When to Use the New—or the old—Eagle Scout Rank Application; Grants for Eagle Scout Service Projects Available from Lowe’s; Eagle Scout Service Project Coach |
Eagle Projects—Anything but “Routine” |
Eagle Project Proposal Approval: Keep it Simple, Make it Fast |
Eagle Scout Competition Announced |
Eagle Scout Letters of Recommendation |
Eagle Scout Palms Survey Coming |
Eagle Scout Project Beneficiary Brochure |
Eagle Scout Service Project Coaches |
Eagle Scout Service Project Safety |
Eagle Scout Service Projects—Individualization vs. Standardization |
Eagle, Summit, Quartermaster Highlights: Eagle Scout Rank Advancement: Explanations and Amplifications; Eagle Scout Rank Application Processing Procedures |
Eagle, Summit, Quartermaster Highlights: An Eagle Candidate’s Statement of Ambitions and Life Pur-pose – A Time for Reflection |
Eagle, Summit, Quartermaster Highlights: Reminders for Processing Extension Requests |
Eagle, Summit, Quartermaster Highlights: Eagle Scout Service Project Workbooks: What Is Required? |
Eagle, Summit, Quartermaster Highlights: Rank Appeal Processing Concerns; Implementation Details for First-Time Members Entering Scouts BSA; Requesting a Duplicate Eagle Scout Certificate; How to Request an Eagle Extension |
Eagle, Summit, Quartermaster Highlights: Eagle Scout Proposal Approval – What Is Expected? |
Emphasizing Progress to First Class |
Encouraging Advancement and the Journey to Excellence |
Enhancing Our Youth’s Competitive Edge: Updated Swimming Merit Badge Pamphlet to Release in Time for Summer Camp; The Merit Badge Maintenance Task Force: At Your Service |
Earning Merit Badges at Camp |
The Essentials of Merit Badge Counseling Training |
Evaluate the Guide to Advancement |
The Evolution of Eagle Scout Service Project Approval |
Title |
Month/Year |
From the Archives: From On Increasing Advancement (November-December 2016) Webelos to Scout Transition Starts Now |
From the Archives: From the Guide To Advancement (August-September 2013) After the Scout Is Tested |
From the Archives: From the Guide To Advancement (March, 2014) Adult Association: More than Just Supervision |
From the Archives: From the Guide to Advancement: Adult Association: More Than Just Supervision (March 2014) |
From the Archives: The Cub Scout Angle: The Pace of Advancement (May 2012) |
From the Archives: Special Necessities: Serving ADHD Youth—Scouting Provides Structure and Focus |
From the Archives: Special Necessities: Serving ADHD Youth—Scouting Provides Structure and Focus |
From the Archives: Eagle Issues: Time Aspects in Com-pleting the Eagle Scout Rank Application (April/May 2014) |
From the Archives: On Increasing Advancement: District Roundtables: Opportunities for Meaningful Dialog |
From the Archives: Multiple Advancement Credit for One Activity (November 2012) |
From the Archives: Advancement Committee Mechanics – Growing the District Advancement Committee |
From the Archives: Emphasizing Progress to First Class |
From the Archives: What Is an Appeal? (May 2013) |
From the Archives: Eagle Issues: Boards of Review—Negative Reference Responses |
From the Archives: Advancement Committee Mechanics: Sources for the Recruitment of District Advancement Committee Members |
From the Archives: Scoutmaster Conference Myths (March 2012) |
From the Field: Follow Up: Duty to God in 2016 Boy Scout Requirements |
From the Archives: December 2012-January 2013, “On Increasing Advancement” Publication Released |
From the Archives: The Cub Scout Angle: The Inverted Percentage (October 2011) |
From the Field: A Successful ADHD Strategy Outcome |
From the Field: A Testimonial—Training Opportunities Make a Big Difference; Don’t Miss Out on These Great Training Opportunities in 2016! |
From the Archives: Eagle Issues—Current Records Pre-vent Future Issues (February 2012) |
Fall is a Great Time for Service Projects, Advancement, and JTE |
Fall “To Do” List – Summer Housekeeping and Handbooks |
First Class in a Year, Star in Two |
Florida Sea Base in January 2014. Sun, Sand, and Advancement |
From the Archives: Helpful Hints on Special Needs Advancement Flexibility (May 2012) |
From the Archives: Mandated Procedures and Recommended Practices |
From the Archives: November, 2011: Advancement Committee Mechanics: Committee Size Makes the Difference (continued) |
From the Archives: Sources for the Recruitment of District Advancement Committee Members |
From the Archives: May 2012, Helpful Hints on Special Needs Advancement Flexibility |
From the Archives: Sources for the Recruitment of District Advancement Committee Members |
From the Archives: The Cub Scout Angle: What Is “Do Your Best”? |
From the Archives: The Pack Committee, Advancement, and the Journey to Excellence (May, 2013) |
From the Archives: November 2012: Using the Numbers |
From the Field: Eagles to the Front of the Line |
From the Field: Scout Training Pays Off |
From the Guide to Advancement: Building Council and District Advancement Committees |
From the Guide to Advancement: Volunteer Recognition |
From the Guide to Advancement: Scouts BSA Advancement and Boards of Review for Venturers and Sea Scouts |
From the Guide to Advancement: When is 18 Not 18 in Scout Rank Advancement? |
From the Guide to Advancement: GTA 2019: The Official Source for All Advancement; Youth From Other Countries |
From the Guide to Advancement: Suspending Troop Operations for Summer? |
From the Guide to Advancement: Compiling and Using JTE Data to Enhance the Council’s Advancement Program |
From the Guide To Advancement: The Spirit of the Eagle Award: Council Approval Now | November/December 2017 |
From the Guide To Advancement: Requirement Updates: How to Handle Them | September/October 2017 |
From the Guide to Advancement: Advancement Administrators Spot Check |
From the Guide To Advancement: Guide To Advancement 2017 Coming Soon; Guide To Advancement Policy is Policy |
From the Guide to Advancement: Extra, Extra, Read All About It! |
From the Guide to Advancement: The GTA: Your Best Advancement “Compass” |
From the Guide to Advancement: Advancement in Camp Settings—First, You Should Go to Camp |
From the Guide to Advancement: Advancement in Camp Settings: Feedback is a Gift—Use It. |
From the Guide to Advancement: Fulfilling More Than One Requirement with a Single Activity; |
From the Guide to Advancement: The Sweet Sixteen of BSA Safety, Adult Association: More than Just Supervision |
From the Guide to Advancement: Ends and Endings—There Is a Difference; Summer Camp Advancement Opportunities |
From the Guide To Advancement: Record Keeping for Youth Member Transfers | November/December 2014 |
From the Guide to Advancement: Scoutmaster Conferences: Busting a Few Persistent Myths |
Future Advancement Educational Support |
Title |
Month/Year |
Game Design Merit Badge Released; Merit Badge Midway at Jamboree Needs You! |
Guide to Advancement and Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook Revision Survey |
Guide to Advancement 2013 to Be Featured at Philmont |
Guidance for Eagle Scout Boards of Review for Scouts With Developmental Disabilities |
Guardian of the Gate |
Title |
Month/Year |
Helpful Links |
Helpful Links |
Helpful Links |
Helpful Links |
Helpful Links |
Helpful Links |
Helpful Links |
Helpful Links |
Helpful Links |
Helpful Links |
Helpful Links |
Helpful Links |
Helpful Links |
Helpful Links |
Helpful Links |
Helpful Links |
Helpful Links |
Helpful Links |
Helpful Links |
Helpful Links |
Helpful Links |
100th Anniversary of the First Eagle Scout |
Health and Safety Announces New Guidelines |
Helpful Hints on Special Needs Advancement Flexibility |
Helpful Links: Accessing Advancement Materials |
Helpful Links |
Helpful Links: Accessing Advancement Materials |
Helpful Links: Advancement Resources Page |
Helpful Links: Advancement Resources page |
Hiking Merit Badge: The One-Day, 20-Mile Hike |
How Advancement Committees May Reach Out to Units |
Title |
Month/Year |
“I Did It Myself” |
Improved Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook Released |
Improving Advancement News |
Increasing Advancement Committee Size |
Initial Evaluation of the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook |
Initiating Discussions on Best Practices |
Inspirational Ceremonies—Recognition and Inspiration |
Integrating Advancement Activities in the Unit |
Interpreting Requirements: A Case Study |
Introducing the Guide to Advancement |
Introducing the Guide to Advancement |
The Inverted Percentage |
The Inverted Percentage |
Involving the Community in Merit Badge Experiences |
Improvements to Merit Badges—A Continuing Process |
Title |
Month/Year |
Jamboree Merit Badge Midway Needs You! |
Title |
Month/Year |
Kayaking; Search and Rescue; National Scout Jamboree Needs YOU! |
Kayaking Merit Badge Release Scheduled for May |
Title |
Month/Year |
Last Call to Register for January Sea Base Conference |
Last Chance: Sea Base Conference on Education for Advancement Administrators |
Last Chance for Philmont Advancement Training |
Title |
Month/Year |
Merit Badges: Merit Badge Counselor Lists: A Primer |
Merit Badges: Plan Ahead for Merit Badge Counselors to Serve Scouts |
Merit Badges: National Merit Badges Subcommittee Works for All Scouts |
Merit Badges: Scouting Heritage Merit Badge Update |
Merit Badges: Keeping Merit Badges Current |
Merit Badges: Scoutbook vs. Blue Cards; Helpful Resources for Merit Badge Counselors; Scouting Heritage Merit Badge |
Merit Badges: Fulfilling More Than One Requirement With a Single Activity; Miscellaneous Helpful Merit Badge Tidbits |
Merit Badges: “Partial” Blue Cards: The Clock Strikes Mid-night at 18 |
Merit Badges: Mining Hall of Fame Presents Prazen Award to BSA |
Merit Badges – Enhancing Our Youth’s Competitive Edge: Any Scout, Any Merit Badge, Any Time; Exploration Merit Badge Released |
Merit Badges – Enhancing Our Youth’s Competitive Edge: Counselor’s Compass Integrated Into Advancement News |
Merit Badges – Enhancing Our Youth’s Competitive Edge: Merit Badge Group Instruction Guide: A New Online Resource |
Merit Badges – Enhancing Our Youth’s Competitive Edge: Digital Merit Badge Pamphlets–Available Now, 20; Coming Soon, All 136!; Managing Merit Badge Fairs: A Council Responsibility; Merit Badge Group Instruction Guide |
Merit Badges – Enhancing Our Youth’s Competitive Edge: Merit Badge Maintenance Task Force On the Job; Recent Merit Badge Changes |
Merit Badges – Enhancing Our Youth’s Competitive Edge: Photography Merit Badge—New Focus for an Old Favorite |
Merit Badges: Enhancing Our Youth’s Competitive Edge: Digital Merit Badges a Hit with Scouts; What’s New for 2016? Eureka! |
Merit Badges: Enhancing Our Youth’s Competitive Edge: Using the New Digital Merit Badge Pamphlets; Best Practices for Approving Merit Badge Counselors; Using Web-based Tools in Merit Badge Instruction |
Merit Badges: Enhancing Our Youth’s Competitive Edge: Merit Badge Concerns—Got a Case of the “Blue Card Blues”? |
Maintaining Up-ToDate Merit Badge Counselor Lists |
Making the Case for Reporting Advancement |
Mandated Procedures and Recommended Practices |
Meaningful District Merit Badge Counselor List |
Meaningful District Merit Badge Counselor List (Part 1) |
Mechanics of Advancement Conference |
Mechanics of Advancement Conference Set for Philmont in August |
Merit Badge Counselor Resource Page Available |
Merit Badge Counselors: The Jamboree Needs You! |
Merit Badges Earned at Fairs or Midways |
Merit Badges: Enhancing Our Youth’s Competitive Edge: Chess: An Age-Old Game Made New |
Merit Badges—Enhancing Our Youth’s Competitive Edge: Computers and Digital Technology Transi-tion—Questions and Answers |
Merit Badges—Enhancing Our Youth’s Competitive Edge: Digital Technology Merit Badge on the Way |
Merit Badges and Scouts with Special Needs |
Merit Badge Emphasis |
Merit Badges—Enhancing Our Youth’s Competitive Edge: Blue Card Changes |
Merit Badges—Enhancing Our Youth’s Competitive Edge: Cooking Merit Badge Goes “Silver” for 2014; FAQs on Cooking Merit Badge and the Jan. 1 Deadline |
Merit Badges—Enhancing Our Youth’s Competitive Edge: On the Horizon |
Merit Badges-Enhancing Our Youth’s Competitive Edge: Whitewater Merit Badge Updated: Counselor’s Compass Now Available |
Merit Badges-Enhancing Our Youth’s Competitive Edge: Signs, Signals, and Codes: Communication for Everyone; Counselor’s Compass |
Merit Badge “Blue Card” Revised |
Merit Badge Fairs and Midways |
Merit Badge Feedback Welcomed |
Merit Badge Midway at Jamboree Needs You! |
Merit Badge Pamphlets: Be Sure to Read the Notes |
Merit Badge Revisions—An Ongoing Process |
Messengers of Peace; Cyber Chip Update |
Minimizing Eagle Scout Service Project Fundraising |
Mining in Society Merit Badge Released |
Moviemaking Merit Badge Name Change |
Multiple Advancement Credit for One Activity |
Multiple Credit for Venturers |
Multiple Rank Advancements and Boards of Review |
Title |
Month/Year |
2013 National Jamboree Offers Advancement Opportunities |
National Advancement Committee Presentation Video Available |
National Eagle Scout Association Questionnaire Now Part of ESRA |
New Advancement Educational Presentations Posted |
New Advancement Educational Presentations Posted |
New Advancement Issues and Solutions Conference Scheduled for Philmont Training Center |
New Application for Alternative Eagle Scout Merit Badges Now Available |
New Case Study–Based Conference for Experienced Advancement Volunteers and Professionals |
New Commissioners Award of Excellence in Unit Service Now in Effect |
The New Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook |
The New Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook |
New Educational Presentations to Be Released |
New Merit Badge Counselor Application Available Online |
New Merit Badge Maintenance Task Force Reviews 40 Merit Badge Pamphlets |
New Pamphlet Explores Methods of Improving Rate of Advancement |
New Sustainability Merit Badge a Required- for-Eagle Option |
Nova Awards and BSA Advancement |
November 2011: Active Participation and Applying the “Third Test” |
Title |
Month/Year |
On Increasing Advancement: Using Scout Uniforming in Your Scouting Program |
On Increasing Advancement: Using the Patrol Method in Your Scouting Program |
On Increasing Advancement: Using Advancement in Your Scouting Program; New Member Coordinator Supports Advancement |
On Increasing Advancement: Scouts BSA: Advancement Update; Scoutbook-More than Recording Advancement; The Ideals of Scouting – The Outdoors – One Means to an End, Not the End |
On Increasing Advancement: The Ideals of Scouting—More than Mere Words |
On Increasing Advancement: District Advancement Report Update |
On Increasing Advancement: Why Advancement?; Scoutbook Lite Update |
On Increasing Advancement: Scoutbook Lite to Re-place Internet Advancement in Second Quarter of 2018; A Wonderful Ending Requires a Great Beginning |
Opportunities for Advancement Administrators: Florida Sea Base Conference: Just Around the Corner in January |
Opportunities for Advancement Administrators: Philmont Training Center—July 2019: A Report; Florida Sea Base Opportunities – January, 2020; Advancement Educational Materials Analysis |
Opportunities for Advancement Administrators: Philmont Training Center: Summer 2019 |
Opportunities for Advancement Administrators: Philmont Training Center: Open for Business |
Opportunities for Advancement Administrators: Florida Sea Base CEAA Earns Rave Reviews; Philmont Training Center is a Destination Experience; Advancement Education Materials Updates Now Available |
Opportunities for Advancement Administrators: Opportunities Abound to Become a Trained Leader; Advancement Education Materials Updates Available Soon |
Opportunities for Advancement Administrators: The 2019 Conference on Education for Advancement Administrators (CEAA); Philmont Training Center Opportunities (July, 2019) |
Opportunities for Advancement Administrators: Advancement Issues and Solutions – Philmont Training Center, August 2018; Sea Base Conference in January |
Opportunities for Advancement Administrators: Advancement Opportunities Abound |
Opportunities for Advancement Administrators: Philmont Training Center: A Great Family Destination; The Sea Base Experience, 2018 |
Opportunities for Advancement Administrators: Florida Sea Base Advancement Opportunity Here Now; Philmont Training Center Is a Great Family Vacation Destination |
Opportunities for Advancement Administrators: Florida Sea Base WILL Host Advancement Conference in January; Philmont Training Center date announced; New Tool: To-day’s Advancement |
Opportunities for Advancement Administrators: Reports from July’s Advancement Conferences at Philmont; Advancement Issues & Solutions at Philmont Training Center, Continuing Education for Advancement Administrators, Next CEAA Scheduled for Florida Sea Base in January 2018 |
Opportunities for Advancement Administrators: Mechanics of Advancement, Advancement Issues and Solutions, Conference on Education for Advancement Administrators |
Opportunities for Advancement Administrators: Mechanics of Advancement Conference; 2017 Advancement Conferences listing; Useful Advancement Courses Updates |
Opportunities for Advancement Administrators: What’s Next in Advancement Education?; Philmont Training Center: July-August 2016 Issues and Solutions Conference Feedback |
Opportunities for Advancement Administrators: Philmont Training Center: June 2016 Mechanics of Advancement Conference Feedback; Advancement Education: A Never-ending Pursuit |
Opportunities for Advancement Administrators: Philmont Training Center : Advancement Issues and Solutions, Education Opportunities for Advancement Administrators |
Opportunities for Advancement Administrators: Philmont Training Center – Mechanics of Advancement in June; Advancement Issues and Solutions in August |
Opportunities for Advancement Administrators: Philmont Training Center; Florida Sea Base Advancement course comments |
Opportunities for Advancement Administrators: Philmont Training Center—Summer Is Just Around the Corner |
Opportunities for Advancement Administrators: Florida Sea Base—Advancement Treasure Hunt; Getting the Most From Internet Advancement: Educational Presentation Updated |
Opportunities for Advancement Administrators: Florida Sea Base—Advancement Treasure Hunt; Report from Philmont Training Center: Conference Highlights |
Opportunities for Advancement Administrators: Philmont Training Center—Advancement, Adventure, August!!; Report on CEAA; Updated and In Development Advancement Education Materials |
On Increasing Advancement: Using Personal Growth in Your Scouting Program |
On Increasing Advancement: Using Leadership Development In Your Scouting Program |
On Increasing Advancement: Methods of Scouting: Focus on Adult Association |
On Increasing Advancement: “Plan on a Page” Worksheet: Just What Every Scout Needs |
On Increasing Advancement: Parent Signatures: Every Requirement is There for a Reason |
On Increasing Advancement: The Webelos-to-Scout Transition: A Question of Initiative; Journey to Excellence: Advancement is Just One Way to Keep Score |
On Increasing Advancement: Webelos to Scout Transition Starts Now; Outdoor Leader Skills for Webelos Leaders |
On Increasing Advancement: That Precious Minute; Cub Scout Campfire Programs: Much More than S’mores! |
On Increasing Advancement: What Can You Do? |
On Increasing Advancement: Summer Camp Merit Badge Choices—The Youth’s Decision; Scoutbook: Managing Advancement—And Soon, So Much More! |
On Increasing Advancement: Methods of Scouting: Eagle Scout Courts of Honor—The Difference between the Cake and the Icing; Cyber Chip and the Scout Rank |
On Increasing Advancement: Troop Programming: The New Boy Scout Rank Requirements; New Position of Responsibility: 13th Edition, Boy Scout Handbook; New Position of Responsibility: Outdoor Ethics Guide;—Best Practices: Promoting Advancement Education Materials |
On Increasing Advancement: Scouting Is Service; The Board of Review Experience: Keep It Friendly |
On Increasing Advancement: Boy Scout Requirements Changes Begin January 1, 2016; What’s Changing? |
On Increasing Advancement: Program Features for Troops, Teams, and Crews, Volume 1, Available; Volumes 2 and 3 on the Horizon |
On Increasing Advancement: 2015 Boy Scouts Requirements Coming in February |
On Increasing Advancement: Positions of Responsibility; Lone Scout Friend and Counselor Guidebook Released |
On Increasing Advancement: Eagle Boards of Review: Parental Presence |
On Increasing Advancement: Journey to Excellence 2015: |
On Increasing Advancement: Roundtables |
“On Increasing Advancement” Publication Released |
On Increasing Advancement: Shared Leadership |
On Increasing Advancement: Scout Advancement through First Class: Not Just a Matter of 1-2-3 |
One Oath and Law for All Programs |
Opportunities for Advancement Administrators: |
Opportunities for Advancement Administrators: |
March 2014 |
Opportunities for Advancement Administrators: Conference on Education for Advancement Administrators |
Opportunities for Advancement Administrators: Florida Sea Base: Conference on Education for Advancement Administrators (CEAA) |
Opportunities for Advancement Administrators: Florida Sea Base: Conference on Education for Advancement Administrators (CEAA) |
Opportunities for Advancement Administrators: Philmont Training Center: Advancement Issues Conference |
Opportunities for Advancement Administrators: Philmont Training Center Conferences: Fun With a Purpose! |
Opportunities for Advancement Administrators: Philmont Training Center Registration Open |
Opportunities for Advancement Administrators: Philmont Training Center Registration Open; January 2015 CEAA comments. |
Options Added to Scouting Heritage and Sustainability |
Orienting New Boy Scout Parents |
Title |
Month/Year |
Promotional Flyer: 2016 Advancement Conferences at Philmont Training Center |
The Pace of Advancement |
The Pack Committee, Advancement, and the Journey to Excellence |
The Pack Committee Role in Advancement |
The Patrol Method Applied to Organizing an Advancement Committee |
Philmont Mechanics of Advancement Conference Set for August |
Philmont Training Center—Discovering the Keys to Excellence |
February 2014 |
Presenting Advancement Recognition |
A Preview of Coming Attractions in Advancement News |
Promoting Venturing Advancement |
Proposal Approval Process Allows Quick-Response Eagle Projects |
Title |
Month/Year |
Recruitment Toolbox—The First Step to Advancement |
Registering Scouts With Special Needs |
Report from the Sea Base and the CEAA |
Reporting Merit Badge Counseling Concerns |
Resources for New Merit Badges |
Reviewing the Eagle Scout Board of Review |
Rifle Shooting Merit Badge Update |
Robotics Merit Badge Support |
Title |
Month/Year |
Scoutbook: Hands-on Experience Opportunity |
Scoutbook: Internet Advancement 2.0 Arrives |
Scoutbook: June 1 is Significant |
Scoutbook: Online Tool for Managing Advancement for all units |
Sea Scouts: Reviewing The Procedure for Sea Scout Advancement |
Sea Scouts BSA: A Scouting Success Story as Big as Texas! |
Sea Scouts BSA: Advancement Overview |
Sea Scout Advancement: The Quartermaster BOR (Bridge of Review) |
Special Necessities: Advancement Committees Need Special Needs Representation |
Special Necessities: Registering Qualified Members Beyond the Age of Eligi-bility |
Special Necessities: Mentoring Eagle Candidates Who Have Special Needs |
Special Necessities: Communication and Teamwork for Great Summer Camps |
Special Necessities: Youth with ADHD: Useful Tips for Scout Parents; Tips for Scout Leaders of Youth with ADHD |
Special Necessities: Serving ADHD Youth—Scouting Provides Structure and Focus |
Special Necessities: Adapting Advancement: Registering a Scout as Disabled or Having Special Needs |
Special Necessities: Abilities Digest—Spring 2015, Es-sential Resources for Autism and Scouting |
Special Needs Interests: Advancement Help May Be “Right Down the Street” |
Special Needs Interests: Assisting Scouts with Special Needs at Camp |
Special Needs Interests: Special Needs Specialist Can Make for a Great Resource |
Survey Says: Advancement Education Resources Survey Results |
A Sampler of Gold and Silver Award Review Questions |
The Scout Law and Cybersafety/Cyberbullying |
Scouts and the Unregistered Merit Badge Counselor |
Scouting Through Soccer Planning Guide Updated |
A Scout’s View of a Denied Eagle Rank |
Scoutmaster Conference Myths; Active Scout Spirit |
Scoutmaster Conference Myths, March 2012 |
Scoutmaster Conference Myths Reprised |
Scouts BSA: Advancement Is Based on Experiential Learning |
Scouts BSA: Planning for an Advancement Plan |
Scouts BSA: Troop Advancement Coordinators |
Scouts BSA: Handbooks now available |
Scouts BSA: February 1st Is here – District Support for New Units |
Sea Base Course to Unveil New Advancement Training |
Sea Scout Procedures Covered in Guide to Advancement |
Sea Scout Procedures Covered in Guide to Advancement |
Search and Rescue |
Service Projects – at the Core of Scouting |
Silver Beaver Processing Change Announced |
Six Eagle-required Merit Badge Pamphlets Now Available in Spanish |
Small Advancement, Big Moment |
Sources for the Recruitment of District Advancement Committee Members |
Special Necessities: First Edition of Abilities Digest Published: Subscribe Now. |
Special Necessities: National Disabilities Awareness Committee Established |
Special Necessities: Two Planning Forms Now Accessible Online |
Submitting Eagle Applications Approved by Board of Review Under Disputed Circumstances —What’s in a Name? |
Sustainability to be Released at National Jamboree |
Superstorm Sandy Leaves an Impression |
Support for the Outdoor Program |
Survey Questions for October 2011 |
Survey Says: Council Advancement Committees |
Survey Says: Eagle Palm Survey Sets New Record for Responses |
Survey Says: District Advancement Committees |
The Survey Says: Positions of Responsibility Survey, March 2014 |
Positions of Responsibility Survey, March, 2014: OBSERVATIONS & COMMENTARY |
Title |
Month/Year |
The Boy Scout Angle: All-Girl Troops: Ask Yourselves, Have We Done Everything to Be Prepared? |
The Boy Scout Angle: Den Chief – Training Syllabus for this Often Overlooked but Important Leadership Position Revised |
The Boy Scout Angle: Troop Involvement of Eagle Scouts; Revised Training for Den Chief Leadership Position |
The Boy Scout Angle: 2018 Boy Scout Requirement Book on the Horizon |
The Boy Scout Angle: Scoutmaster Conferences: What’s the Requirement, and What Isn’t? |
The Boy Scout Angle: Revised Campout Requirements Effective August 1, 2017; Executive Board: Limited Excep-tions for Certain Swimming Requirements |
The Cub Scout Angle: Lions Officially Part of Cub Scouting |
The Cub Scout Angle: Arrow of Light and Crossover Ceremonies—Important Changes to Order of the Arrow Participation Guidelines; Family Scouting For All |
The Cub Scout Angle: A Brief Overview of Lion Advancement |
The Cub Scout Angle: New Advancement Opportunity: Lions Arrive |
The Cub Scout Angle: Transition Time is Now |
The Cub Scout Angle: Requirement Updates: “The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same” Isn’t Necessarily True |
The Cub Scout Angle: Program Updates: Easily Accessible Online |
The Venturing Perspective: Venturing Summit Award Meet the First Recipient |
The Venturing Perspective: Venturing-Certified Board of Review Representatives |
2013 Boy Scout Requirements, No. 33216, Released |
Time for the National Summertime Pack Award |
Topics Planned for August/September |
Topics Planned for December/January |
Topics Planned for February |
Topics Planned for March |
Topics Planned for May |
Topics Planned for June/July |
Topics Planned for October |
Tracking Advancement Toward First Class |
Two Opportunities at Philmont |
Two Opportunities at Philmont |
Title |
Month/Year |
Unit-Level Boards of Review? |
Unnecessary Barriers |
Unnecessary Barriers |
Using Alternative Requirements |
Using Internet Advancement and ScoutNET’s Record Achievements |
Using the Numbers |
Title |
Month/Year |
Venturing: Venturing Summit Award Project Examples |
Venturing: Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award |
Venturing: Summit Award Board of Review; Lessons Learned for Inclusion of Girls in Other Scouting America Programs |
Venturing: Sample Venturing Summit Award Service Project |
Venturing: Venturing Summit Award Challenges: Tips from the Summit |
Venturing: The Summit Award: Focusing on the Leadership Component |
Venturing BSA: Venturing Leadership Award |
Venturing BSA: Venturing and the Order of the Arrow |
Venturing BSA: Reflecting on 20 Years of Venturing |
Venturing Perspective: Venturing Advancement Structure—A Review |
Venturing Perspective: Eighty-three Have Earned Venturing Summit Award |
Venturing: Pathfinder Award Project—For the Next Generation |
Venturing: Venturing’s Conceptual Framework—The ALPS Model |
The Valuable Den Chief (Part I) |
The Valuable Den Chief (Part II) |
Varsity Scouting News: Boy Scout Oath and Law Re-place Varsity Scout Pledge |
The Venturing Perspective: Discovery Award—Second Step on Trail to the Summit |
The Venturing Perspective: Handbook for Venturers Released |
The Venturing Perspective: New Venture Awards Announced |
The Venturing Perspective: The Pathfinder Award, Venturing Service Hour Requirements |
The Venturing Perspective—The Summit Award: Venturing’s Capstone Achievement |
The Venturing Perspective: The Venturing Award— What Is It? |
The Venturing Perspective: Venturing Expert Level Awards |
The Venturing Perspective: Venturing Summit Award Service Project Workbook Released |
The Venturing Perspective: Venturing Leadership Award; Tiers of Adventures Defined; Elaborating and Classifying Tiers of Adventures; What Makes Venturing Boards of Review Different? |
Venturing Program Changes in the Works: Stay Tuned! |
Title |
Month/Year |
Webelos Scouts and Boy Scout Camporees |
Webelos Scout Resident Camp: Perseverance Pays Of |
The Welding Merit Badge Has Arrived |
What Do You Think About Advancement News? |
What Do You Think?: Eagle Scout Palm Survey |
What Is an Appeal? |
What is “Do Your Best”? |
What’s in Store for November |
What’s Up With the Scoutmaster Signature on the “Blue Card”? |
When Does the Clock Start Running for Credit Toward Merit Badges? |
Who Hears National Eagle Scout Rank Appeals? |
Who Hears National Eagle Scout Rank Appeals? |
Who Is Akela? |
Worth Repeating: The Cub Scout Angle Blue and Gold Celebration Planning: Fun and Food, but Don’t Forget the Advancement! (November-December 2016) |
Worth Repeating: From Advancement Committee Mechanics Advancement Committee Goals, Part 2 (August-September 2014) |
Worth Repeating: The Council Advancement Committee and Merit Badges at Camp (Advancement News: June/July 2012) |
Worth Repeating: From On Increasing Advancement (May-June, 2016) Summer Camp Merit Badge Choices = The Youth’s Decision |
Worth Repeating: From Venturing Perspective (October, 2014) The Summit Award: Venturing’s Capstone Achievement |
Worth Repeating: From On Increasing Advancement (February 2013) Initiating Discussions on Best Practices |
Title |
Month/Year |
Your Feedback Makes a Difference |