Above are just some of the languages available.
Scouting is a worldwide organization and encourages youth and adults to share their culture and heritage with others. The interpreter strip informs others that you can communicate in a foreign language, American sign language, or Morse code. Youth and adults may wear this strip if they show their knowledge of a foreign language or the sign language for the hearing impaired by:
• Carrying on a five-minute conversation in this language
• Translating a two-minute speech or address
• Writing a letter in the language (does not apply for sign language)
• Translating 200 words from the written word

Today, Scouts in dozens of countries are working for peace by solving conflicts in their schools, building links between divided communities, teaching their peers about health and wellness, and repairing environmental damage. To recognize their efforts—and to inspire more young men and women to help Scouting create a better world—the World Scout Committee has launched the Messengers of Peace initiative.
To participate all Cub Scouts have to do is go online and register the Messengers of Peace related community service projects they undertake. Doing so adds pins to a global Messengers of Peace map, which Scouts from around the world can click on to learn how their fellow Scouts are making a difference.
Recruiter Strip

There is no application for this recognition. Recruiter strips can be purchased at your local Scout Shop or on-line at ScoutShop.org
When Scouts are having a great time they naturally want to invite friends who are not involved to join. To recognize those Cub Scouts who recruit a friend to join the pack, there is the recruiter strip. This patch is worn on the bottom left pocket of the uniform. When a Cub Scout invites friends to join the pack, once one of those friends has joined, they earn the patch.

Most of the major religious bodies in the United States have programs to recognize Cub Scouts who demonstrate faith, observe their creeds or principles, and give service.
The Religious Emblem, typically a medal, are not Scouting awards; however, they may be worn on the upper left pocket of the Cub Scout uniform.
Pictured at left is a Religious Knot, for youth, worn centered above the left pocket of the uniform to represent that a religious emblem has been earn.
Service Stars

There is no application for this recognition. Service Stars can be purchased at your local Scout Shop or on-line at ScoutShop.org
Service stars are a great way to encourage and recognize Cub Scouts for staying in Scouting. After being in the pack for one year, a Cub Scout is eligible to wear the one-year service star. There are stars for each year following. Service stars continue throughout the various programs and adult volunteer service. Special recognition pins are available for benchmark periods such as each five and 10 years.