Since 1910, conservation and environmental studies have been an integral part of Scouting America. Scouts have rendered distinguished public service by helping to conserve wildlife, energy, forests, soil, and water. Past generations of Scouts have been widely recognized for undertaking conservation Good Turn action projects in their local communities. Through environmental explorations, Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturers, and Sea Scouts visit the outdoors and discover the natural world around them. Many natural resource careers are born in Scouting.
Since its first appearance in the 1955 printing of the Boy Scout Handbook, the Outdoor Code has reminded Scouts to be conservation-minded.
The Outdoor Code
As an American, I will do my best to—
Be clean in my outdoor manners.
Be careful with fire.
Be considerate in the outdoors.
Be conservation-minded.
Conservation Handbook, Third Edition
The Conservation Handbook is a book about caring for the Earth. It is for Scouts and Scouting America leaders, for parents, park rangers, land managers, and everyone else who wants to involve volunteers in projects that are good for our natural resources. While the Conservation Handbook bears the emblem of Scouting America, its message is of value for leaders of many organizations. It is a book for anyone eager to explore environmental opportunities that can help young people become enthused stewards of the land.
Available in Scout shops and at
Edited by
Michael Huneke, National Conservation and Environment Chair of the Outdoor Ethics and Conservation Committee.
About the Author
Robert Birkby has written three editions of the Boy Scout Handbook, two editions of the Fieldbook, and the first edition of the Conservation Handbook. A former director of conservation at Philmont Scout Ranch, he received the William T. Hornaday gold medal in 2010 for his decades of environmental leadership in America and abroad.

Scouting America Distinguished Conservation Service Award
For more than a century, Scouting America has encouraged and honored conservation work with an award that recognizes youth, adults and organizations who have demonstrated tremendous effort and commitment to the environment. This award, which until now had been known as the William T. Hornaday Award, is being discontinued, and the new Scouting America Distinguished Conservation Service Award is being introduced to underscore the importance of encouraging everyone to participate in environmental stewardship.
The Scouting America Distinguished Conservation Service Award will continue to recognize the conservation efforts of Scouts, Venturers, Sea Scouts, adult volunteers, and other individuals, corporations, and institutions that contribute significantly to natural resource conservation and environmental protection. It has been streamlined and modernized to build on the extraordinary contributions made by all the dedicated award recipients to date, and we believe the changes will help make these important efforts even more accessible for today’s members.
Learn more about the Scouting America Distinguished Conservation Service Award Program
Scouting America Distinguished Conservation Service Award Brochure PDF
Scouting America Distinguished Conservation Service Award Toolbox for Council Conservation Committees
The Distinguished Conservation Service Award – for Scouts BSA, Venturers and Sea Scouts – is a Council administered award. This ‘toolbox’ contains a set of documents to be used as references to assist a Council in developing their own Award implementation policies and procedures.
Some Councils may not have an established Council Conservation Committee. Instead, they may rely on the Council Advancement & Recognition Committee – or perhaps the Council Outdoor Program Committee. Whatever a Council decides, a core requirement is the designation of the contact for which Award applications are provided, and who organizes the Council Distinguished Conservation Service Award Board of Review.
The documents in this toolbox includes:
1. An overview PowerPoint presentation that can be used by the Council to explain policies and procedures.
a. The presentation contains the necessary information to administer the program.
b. The presentation can be used by Scouts BSA, Venturers, Sea Scouts, Scouters and parents to become familiar with the Award requirements and review process.
2. A Conservation Project Process is provided to show the Award review process.
a. People learn in different ways – so a walkthrough sometimes helps. Note that the handout is accomplished twice – once for each project.
3. A Distinguished Conservation Service Award Workbook Comparison to the Eagle Scout workbook is provided for further understanding of the unique requirements.
a. It provides guidance for those scouts using their Eagle Scout project for the Distinguished Conservation Service Award.
b. A view of the Distinguished Conservation Service Award project workbook includes:
• Understanding and applying the science underlying the selected natural resource conservation issue
• Developing alternatives and selecting one
• Education
• Public communication
• Assessment of success
• Future sustainment
4. A Project Proposal Evaluation is provided to help everyone with the development, review, and ultimate approval of the Distinguished Conservation Service Award project proposal.
a. It will aid Councils in developing their own policies and procedures for review, feedback, and approval of the project proposal. The alternatives include, but are not limited to:
i. A meeting to have the Scouts BSA, Venturer, Sea Scout present their project proposal and respond to questions (in person or virtual).
ii. A document review by the designated Council Conservation Committee members and chair – or other designated Council volunteer staff.
5. A Project Plan Evaluation is provided for use according to Council policies and procedures. It will:
a. Help ensure alignment with the approved project proposals
b. This document can help the project and/or conservation adviser work with the candidate.
c. Help ensure the Candidate has the best information, resources, and approach available to minimize frustration, ensure safe accomplishment, achieve stated objectives, and reflect well on the Candidate and the Distinguished Conservation Service Award.
6. Two Board of Review Guides are provided for final review of the Distinguished Conservation Service Award:
a. One for Scouts BSA
b. One for Venturers & Sea Scouts. The Council should establish procedures for receiving the Award application – and accomplishing the Board of Review.
c. A checklist is also included.
We hope you find this toolbox to be helpful in the process development and administration of the Distinguished Conservation Service Award.
Resource Documents
- Board of Review Checklist
- Board of Review – Scouts BSA
- Board of Review – Sea Scouts and Venturers
- Conservation Project Process Handout
- Council Conservation Committee Training Presentation (PDF)
- Council Conservation Committee Training Presentation (PowerPoint)
- Project Plan Evaluation
- Project Proposal Evaluation
- Workbook Comparison Eagle to the Scouting America Distinguished Conservation Service Award