Wheels & Boards Sports
Wheels & Boards Sports
BMX & Mountain Biking Resources
- The BMX Biking Program provides guidance for local councils that wish to operate a BMX biking program in the future or improving existing program,
- The BMX Design Reference Guide is a design reference guideline intended to describe the different types of program activities in practice within the industry and to provide guidance to the council on aspects of a successful program that should be considered as they relate to scope, cost, resources, effort and safe design.
- The Mountain Biking Program Guide provides the recommended minimum standards that all BSA council operated mountain bike programs should maintain.
- The Mountain Biking Design Guideline provides general guidance in the layout and design of mountain biking trails and facilities in BSA Council camps.
- Mountain Bike Safety Checklist (ABCD Checklist Card)
Cycling Resources
- Scouting Magazine article about how to organize a bike rodeo for you Cub Scout pack
Skateboarding Resources
- USA Skateboarding has created a series of resource videos in support of the Scouts BSA Skating Merit Badge. Links to these videos can be found on the Skating Merit Badge webpage.
- Scout Life Magazine articles about Skateboarding
Winter Sports Resources
- Coming Soon
ATV Resources
Reminder: ATV activities may only be offered by approved councils following the Scouting America ATV Safety Program.