Boy Scouts of America

Medication Use in Scouting

Adult Audience Only



With an increasing number of youth taking prescribed medications, leaders need some basic tools and guidance for helping youth use their prescriptions safely. Scouting America understands that leaders, no matter how diligent, might not know or understand every health-related issue of the youth members in their unit. Proper use of a prescription is the responsibility of the individual taking it, or that individual’s parent or guardian. Good planning, preparedness, and knowledge are necessary for keeping youth safe and healthy.


One essential tool is Medication Use in Scouting, No. 680-036, available at We encourage you to review this document periodically. It has eight basic elements:

  • AHMR (Annual Health and Medical Record). A critical component to protecting a youth participant is knowing that he or she is physically prepared for a Scouting event. A completed AHMR for each individual gives leaders and providers the information they need to begin treatment in an emergency. It is important that ALL medications the individual uses are listed on the form.
  • Plan. A medication use plan should also be developed if a leader will be involved in managing a youth’s medication during an event.
  • Supervision. Based on the plan, there should be clear agreement on who is helping the youth member with their medications—especially when the youth is not able to self-administer or when special circumstances exist.
  • Labeling. Medications must be accurately labeled to prevent errors.
  • Storage. The plan should include storage for all high-risk medications and those with special requirements like refrigeration.
  • Emergency Medication. Make sure that youth with asthma inhalers or epinephrine auto-injectors have what they need when they need it. They should know how to use the medicines, and they should report the use to an adult.
  • Nonprescription Medications. Ensure clear guidance is in place for all nonprescription medications that may be provided by adult leaders or kept by a youth member for use as needed.
  • Accountability. One best practice, though not required, is to have documentation on hand for all stored medications that may be taken by youth.


Bray Barnes

Director, Global Security Innovative

Bray Barnes is a recipient of the Distinguished Eagle Scout Award, Silver
Beaver, Silver Antelope, Silver Buffalo, and Learning for Life Distinguished
Service Award. He received the Messengers of Peace Hero award from
the royal family of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and he’s a life member of
the 101st Airborne Association and Vietnam Veterans Association. Barnes
serves as a senior fellow for the Global Federation of Competitiveness
Councils, a nonpartisan network of corporate CEOs, university presidents, and
national laboratory directors. He has also served as a senior executive for the
U.S. Department of Homeland Security, leading the first-responder program
and has two U.S. presidential appointments

David Alexander

Managing Member Calje

David Alexander is a Baden-Powell Fellow, Summit Bechtel Reserve philanthropist, and recipient of the Silver Buffalo and Distinguished Eagle Scout Award. He is the founder of Caljet, one of the largest independent motor fuels terminals in the U.S. He has served the Arizona Petroleum Marketers Association, Teen Lifeline, and American Heart Association. A triathlete who has completed hundreds of races, Alexander has also mentored the women’s triathlon team at Arizona State University.

Glenn Adams

President, CEO & Managing Director
Stonetex Oil Corp.

Glenn Adams is a recipient of the Silver Beaver, Silver Antelope, Silver Buffalo, and Distinguished Eagle Scout Award. He is the former president of the National Eagle Scout Association and established the Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award. He has more than 40 years of experience in the oil, gas, and energy fields, including serving as a president, owner, and CEO. Adams has also received multiple service awards from the Texas Alliance of Energy Producers.