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Supply List
No supplies required
Before the meeting:
Become familiar with the rules to hide and seek.
Decide how the seeker (the person looking for others) will be chosen. The seeker closes their eyes and counts to 50 at a determined location that is considered home base. Everyone hides. When the seeker reaches 50, they open their eyes and start looking for those who are playing. When someone is spotted the seeker must tag them before they reach home base. If the person hiding is tagged by the seeker before reaching home base the game is over and a new game begins with the person being tagged becoming the seeker. If everyone who is hiding makes it back to home base without being tagged, the game is over and a new game begins with a new seeker. You may consider having a time limit on each game.
Identify a safe playing area and any areas that are restricted or unsafe for hiding. For example, if you are playing outside you cannot hide inside a building.
During the meeting:
Gather Cub Scouts and adult partners and explain the rules to hide and seek. Identify the playing area and inform everyone of any places that are restricted or unsafe to hide.
Remind Cub Scouts of the Scout Law and what points of the Scout Law they should keep in mind when playing.
Play hide and seek.
After playing, gather Cub Scouts and adult partners and discuss what they liked about the game and when they were living up to the Scout Law.