Before the meeting:
- Ensure access to River Rangers story either by printing the story or using a smart device.
- Set out the salt, food coloring, paper, trash pieces, vegetable oil, soil and rocks, and laundry soap.
- Set up workspace for Cub Scouts. Fill a clear washtub with water and place it on the tarp, sheet, or plastic tablecloth in the center of your meeting room.
During the meeting:
- Have Cub Scouts choose an item and hold on to it.
- Ask Cub Scouts to circle around the washtub and tell them that you’re going to share a story. When you call their name during the story, they put their item into the washtub.
- Start reading the River Rangers story. As you read each name, ask the Cub Scouts to put their item into the washtub.
- When you are finished with the story, have Cub Scouts examine the washtub.
- Ask Cub Scouts if they think the water can still be used for drinking, swimming, and living in.
- Have Cub Scouts take turns removing their item with a utensil such as a slotted spoon or tongs. Explain that they are removing pollution from the lake.
- As they remove their item, ask if the item was easy or difficult to remove. Larger items are easily cleared away, but some can’t be removed from the water. That’s why it is important to take care of the water before it becomes polluted!
Tip: More than one Cub Scout can select an item if there are more than seven in your den.