Board Documents
Multiple documents, templates, and sample resolutions useful in the governance of the council, and as an aid to inform board members of their responsibilities.
- Council Annual Report Contents
- Council Election Procedures
- Nondiscrimination Policy 2017
- Electronic Meeting Wording
- Executive Board Diversity Survey
- Fiscal Policies and Procedures for BSA Units – updated May 2023
- Governance Committee Responsibilities
- Meeting Evaluation Form
- New Board Member Packet Contents
- Orientation Guide, No. 33161
- Protection of Personal Information
- Frequency Listing of Resolutions
- Responsibilities of the Board
- Social Media Guidelines
- Succession Planning Proposal
- The Local Council Annual Meeting
- The Role of the Council President
- Website Guidelines
Board Member Evaluation Chart
This chart will measure performance in meeting attendance and participation, committee activity, and fundraising among other categories.
Board Retreat template
This is a draft template for a 4-hour board retreat to discuss your Voice of the Scout results and comments, and your Journey to Excellence (JTE) criteria scores. The tabs across the bottom of the document are various resources for the retreat.
Council Executive Board Orientation (CEBO)
This link is the electronic version of the Council Executive Board Orientation notebook that was sent to every council in 2007. All executive board training modules and teaching notes are now online here for your use in training your board.
Executive Board Job Profile Templates
Sample job profile templates for executive board level positions done in Word format so you can revise them to fit your council’s needs. These can also be used ‘as is’ by filling in the council, volunteer name, and key meeting dates.
Orientation Guide for Council Officers and Executive Board Members (33161)
Great orientation guide for new council officers, executive board members, and council Key 3’s. Depending on how you use it, it could raise your Journey to Excellence score.